For Teachers

Dia de los Muertos Craft Day. Photo by Fritz Olenberger.

Founding Day Festival. Photo by Brittany Myers.

Las Posadas. Photo by Paul Mori.

Dia de los Muertos Craft Day. Photo by Fritz Olenberger.
Education Programs
The educational mission of the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation (SBTHP) is to interpret, present and encourage enjoyment of the historical and cultural resources of SBTHP to the broadest possible audience.
At SBTHP we believe that history can promote understanding. It shows us where we are by reminding us where we have been. Our goal is to instill a deeper connection between our visitors and our heritage, providing an opportunity for individuals to embrace Santa Barbara County's history, not forget it.
Living history events have the unique opportunity to interpret and present history in a way that makes it interesting and relevant to our lives today. We believe that one of the most rewarding methods of learning is by experience and hands-on interaction with materials.
SBTHP's education department offers programs that focus on "learning by doing." Smiles abound as children and adults make adobe bricks, create ceramic bowls, write with a quill pen, or watch a soldado fire a thundering cannon. Along with the pleasures that come from participating in these activities there develops a deeper understanding of what life was like for Spanish and Mexican settlers in Early California.
To contact the Education Department, email Danny Tsai,
Director of Programs, at or call (805) 961-5374.