by Wayne Sherman
Exactly one year ago SBTHP held its first “Art from the Groves” artist’s day in partnership with the Elverhoj Museum of History & Art at the Santa Inés Mission Mills site. The artists returned for our “Pick ‘n Paint” Volunteer Harvest Day this past November and on Saturday, April 12th, 2014 the SBTHP and Elverhoj Museum held the final chance for artists to transfer their impressions of the Mill Complex and nearby environs to paper or canvas prior to a Juried Art Exhibition to be held at the Elverhoj Museum in Solvang from June 14th until September 28th, 2014
This past Saturday about 28 artists of various mediums attended and enjoyed their chance to photograph/paint/draw the historic site. The photographers rejoiced at the overcast morning as it was “as if the whole scene were in a giant light-box.” When more painters showed up and set up their wares the photographers left and the painting and drawing began. SBTHP Mission Mills Steward Wayne Sherman and “the Gator” assisted by moving artists and their equipment in and out of the park. Esther Jacobsen Bates and Linda Small of the Elverhoj Museum welcomed the artists and invited them to participate in the exhibition. A historical tour was given mid-morning by Steward Sherman to all interested parties. The artists ranged from beginning students to well-oiled and well known paint slingers. The photographers were armed with modern digital cameras, trusty old roll film cameras and even one very large glass negative tripod camera. One woman was noted setting up miniature plastic horses and lying on her belly to photograph them with the Mills in the background. At any rate the air was full of artistic endeavors that day. The sun came out around one thirty and the last painter packed up at three when one of the photographers slinked back in for more shots of the site sans people.
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It will be a very interesting exhibition from all that I saw going on. I did peek at a few of the painted works and pronounced them all $500 dollar winners. Good thing I’m not the judge.
The opening reception and awards presentation for “Art from the Groves/ Santa Ines Mission Mills” will take place at the Elverhoj Museum of History & Art on June 14th from 4 to 6 pm. A Juror’s Award will be presented by award-winning fine art painter Robert Burridge in the amount of $500.00. First place will garner $250.00 and second place takes $150.00 home for the effort. The participating artists will also have a chance to have their art work considered for a new label for SBTHP’s olive oil if they so desire.
For more information on the contest or the exhibition please contact:
Elverhoj Museum of History & Art
1624 Elverhoj Way
Solvang, Ca 93463
Wayne Sherman is the steward at the Santa Inés Mission Mills